Quit Smoking [Easily]
This set comes with 3 hypnosis downloads, workbook and an affirmation image eBook. It's everything that you need to make quitting smoking easy and permanent.
Self Hypnosis
This set helps you to master your self hypnosis abilities. This set gives you what you need to be a great subject, accept the suggestions and get rid of any blocks or worries you may have. This set comes with a 102 page manual and five downloads.
Self-Help and Soothing (Cancer)
This set helps soothe your body and calm your mind. There isn't any writing or reading included in this set.
Soothing Sounds
Please download the short introduction to our complimentary Soothing Sounds Line. Happy Listening!
Talking About Your Feelings: The Complete Set
This set is everything that you need to to talk about your feelings in a comfortable and confident way. If you've ever had any challenges expressing how you're feeling, these downloads will work wonders for you. Happy Communicating!
Treatment Support (Cancer)
This set supports your body and feeling better. They're great downloads to help your body get through some of the tougher times. There's no writing or reading included in this set.
Trusting Yourself Set
This set has everything you need if you're working on learning how to trust yourself. You get five sessions that cover everything. It makes changing your life so much easier and trusting yourself becomes automatic! Enjoy!
$51.85 $34.85
Weight Loss
This set has everything you need to get rid of that extra weight and keep it off. You'll [naturally] make better choices that support your goals. This set comes with 3 downloads, a workbook and and eBook of affirmation images.
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