
Talking About Your Feelings: The Complete Set

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This set is everything that you need to to talk about your feelings in a comfortable and confident way. If you've ever had any challenges expressing how you're feeling (about anything, with any person or situation) these downloads will work wonders for you. Happy Communicating!

The Complete Set Includes:

Talking About Your Feelings: Reprogramming Set
This is a fabulous set for anyone who wants to improve their communication skills when it comes to how they feel, what they want and what they need. You'll be able to express yourself effortlessly, comfortably and train yourself to talk about anything and everything that comes up for you.
This set comes with three downloads:
Talking About Your Feelings:  This download reprograms you and helps you talk about anything that's uncomfortable, negative or 'bad'. You'll erase and replace those worried thoughts and empower yourself.
Talking About Good Feelings: Sometimes it's hard to say nice things (to yourself and others) because of fears, feeling vulnerable or not knowing how to say what you mean. This session helps you talk about all of the good feelings that you have.
Talking About Your Feelings Now: This is a very short session (you can do it right before any conversation) that gets you feeling confident and sets you up for success.
All of the sessions reinforce that your feelings are important, that they [you] matter and program you to be able to talk about any and everything that you're feeling. You'll also imprint that you talk about what you need to at the right time, in an appropriate and kind way with the perfect wording for that person/situation. Don't worry, this won't turn you into someone who overshares! These sessions give you options for comfortable conversations that you may have never known could be so easy. Enjoy!

Talking About Your Feelings Guided Meditation
You'll soothe your mind and your body, get a greater understanding of why you're feeling the way you are and get guidance on the best way for you to handle  what's going on within and/or around you. You'll work out everything in your mind before you have any discussions or conversations. It's a great way to concrete in your mind the correct way for you to go about your life.
Check the sounds; this download is part of the Soothing Sounds Line. Click the sample button to be sure that you like the birds and running water sounds in the background.

Talking About Your Feelings Sleep Hypnosis
If you're the type of person that reviews conversations in your mind before you go to sleep at night, this session will do wonders for you!  You'll fall sleep figuring out what you want to say and how to say it. You'll run through the different scenarios and conversations ending them with a solid plan, feeling confident and secure. You'll get answers and guidance about any feelings that you have and what's going on in your life. Happy Communicating!
Check the sounds; this download is part of the Soothing Sounds Line. Click the sample button to be sure that you like the chirping crickets sounds in the background.

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