This set helps sooth your body and calm your mind. There isn't any writing or reading included in this set. This set comes with four audio downloads.
Eliminate Anxiety
Eliminating Anxiety is about learning how to manage yourself and get rid of the things that cause you to be anxious. You'll learn how to take it lightly and 'function' in any situation. This download is for someone that has ANXIETY. You know who you are. You also know that no one else knows what you're talking about or how anxious you really are. If this describes you... this download can change your life. If you have anxiety or stress over 'just certain' things, you may want to look for a download about that specifically. It's up to you. This download is made for someone who has ANXIETY and looks calm and still while they are screaming their heads off inside :) Oh... this works for panic attacks, too. It is different than hypnosis or meditations you'll find here... this is more of something you'd get 'in the office' ... If you have ever 'really' had anxiety, you know how the world feels like it is crashing- or already has... this download helps you pick up the pieces, get your feelings under control and gives you the wonderful feeling of hiding under the couch without having to actually do it. Yep, it's awesome. You need to get a journal and start keeping track of the debilitating feelings and thoughts. this works -you're just going to have to make yourself do it. ;)
Healing Waters
This is a Guided Meditation that leads you into a place in your mind where you enter into a wonderful place with healing waters. You are able to choose which pools you enter and focus on what and where you would like to focus your healing energy. You can help your body heal itself and this download makes it simple and easy. All you have to do - is listen to your download.
I Take Care of My Body
This download focus on the health of your body and to help you build a good, solid foundation of well-being. This is the only one you get. Take care of it and you'll find that your Body will help take care of you. You can listen to this download as often as you like. It programs you to automatically make good healthy choices for you. Everyone is different. This download tunes you into your body so that you can take care of yourself better and easier than you ever imagined.
Stop Worrying
Use this download anytime you're worried about anything. This stops the repetitive, negative thoughts from making you crazy and giving yourself anxiety. You'll come up with solutions and get on with your life. It's great for worse case scenario thinking.